CHUSKI - thande cottons

Chuski, as the name suggests, the frozen dessert that we all grew up eating as kids and no longer see.  Believe it or not, the idea behind this summer indulgence wasn’t a marketing honcho, but connecting back to our childhood pasts and recall the lazy summers. Chuski, is to relive your past, for contemporary woman, a new- ager who is bold and beautiful. With roots in craft and community, a sub-brand of Vishal Kapur Design, Chuski is an attempt to bridge the gap between contemporary cotton textiles and traditional Indian craft.

Chuski draws from the colors, craft and cultures of India to create a unique bold voice through design. Created with artisans and weavers across Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Varanasi, Chuski’s designs innovate upon century old traditions and skills. The fabrics are then further value added through natural dyes and traditional printing techniques using modern surface designs and layouts to create one of a kind garment concept.

We believe in sustainability and eco-friendly route ensuring high quality. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy in creating them for you! 

With rising mercury levels, only cottons can beat the scorching heat…..